Pass on the Faith
To “pass on the faith” congregation members share their favorite scripture verse(s) to let others know what words in the Bible have been most meaningful in their faith journey.
“if you continue in my word…” We strive to both know and live the truth of who God is and whom God is forming us into as the image of God. What a blessing for our life journey to know the truth of God’s love for us more clearly revealed in Jesus.
John 8:31-32Pastor Craig Swenson
This verse is meaningful to me because it reminds me that in all of the chaos of this world God is always with us!!
Psalm 46:10Pam Machacek
Explore the Word!
Proverbs 3:5-6Kelly Brinkman
This verse is meaningful to me because this was my confirmation verse and reminds me to hold onto my faith and share it with others.
1 Timothy 6:12Jason Brinkman
Share Your Faith
Share your name, favorite verse, and optional one to two sentence explanation of why it is meaningful to you.