the 40-day journey
Wednesday Daytime
Worship at 11am with lunch following
As Lutherans, we believe we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor. It is in that freedom that God has gifted us with the Spirit to a life where we are called as Jesus instructs in Matthew 25 beginning with verse 31. We are called to give food to those who hunger, give drink to those who thirst, welcome strangers, cloth the naked and provide company in times of illness and imprisonment. We are called to serve.
You are invited on this 40-day journey through Lent to pray, discern, learn, and grow together to ponder what role we are being called to serve in Christ’s church by exploring themes from Matthew 25:31-40. On Wednesdays during Lent we are partnering with First English Lutheran Church to offer two worship opportunities. Salem will host a midweek service at 11am with a lunch to follow worship. Evening worship will take place at First English Lutheran church at 7pm.
Food for the Hungry
What is a little among so many? Salem partners with the Bethel United Methodist Church food ministry by collecting non-perishable goods for their pantry. You can help feed others by bringing your donations during February. Also mark your calendar to serve at Midwest Food Bank on March 20 at the Peoria Division at 9am.
Drink for the Thirsty
I Thirst. Marion Medical Mission seeks to share the love of Christ with the extremely poor in Africa by providing all in need with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water. The Noisy Can offering on Sunday, February 25 will go towards Marion Medical Missions' Well Program.
Welcome the Stranger
Who is my Neighbor/Hospitality Invite a friend to worship, sit with someone new during fellowship time, sit in a different place during worship. Make this an intentional invitation on Sunday, March 3 or Wednesday, March 6. Welcome new members or someone you might not know as well into conversation.
Clothe the Naked
To clothe the naked means providing something to wear for someone who has none, or even very little. The Biblical sense of the term, however, also can mean bringing people out of darkness into the light. Phoenix Community Development Services strives to provide people with the opportunity to help themselves toward self-sufficiency. One way you can help clothe the naked is by donating new items for Phoenix Community Development Services’ Homeless Outreach. These items include socks, hand warmers, warm hats, and gloves. During March you may bring these items to the collection box in the atrium.
Care for the Sick
Some people are "sick" not from physical illness, but from social isolation. One thinks especially of the Salem members and friends that whether at home or in long-term care facilities, live in isolation from their loved ones and friends. Ask how to become involved with Home Communion, help provide a ride to church, write a Thinking of You card, or pray for those on the prayer chain. Most of all, do not forget that some of them may even be members of your own family.
Visit the Imprisoned
Friendship and prayer can reform and heal. A true work of service is done by those who befriend those in correctional institutions in the name of Jesus Christ, thereby affirming their human dignity as persons made in God's image.
Wednesday Evening
Worship at 7PM at First English Lutheran Church
Jesus engaged some unusual people–tax collectors, sinners, rough-around-the-edges fishermen, and even children. Jesus calls us to embrace all sorts, too. We are called and commanded to love in such a way that people are invited into a life of faith and given a place among the people of God. This Lent, intentionally reflect on the ways we, as a faith community, are welcoming-pushing ourselves to initiate more faith-filled interactions. Explore what it means in our daily lives to show hospitality the way Jesus does.
On Wednesdays during Lent, Salem Lutheran is partnering with First English Lutheran Church to offer two worship opportunities. Evening worship will take place at First English Lutheran Church (725 E Forrest Hill Ave, Peoria, IL 61603) at 7pm.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, March 24
Worship service at 8:15AM / 10:45AM
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Worship Service at 11AM / 6:30PM
Good Friday
Worship Service at 11AM / 6:30PM
Good Friday Prayer Vigil
Friday, March 29, noon-3pm
Join us in Salem’s Faith Chapel anytime from noon until 3pm on Good Friday for a prayer vigil. This is open to all ages. You may pray silently alone or quietly in groups. There will be meditative music, devotional material, and prayer requests available. You do not need to sign up in advance.
Good Friday is the most somber day in the liturgical calendar, a day to remember Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice of his life. Italian for “three hours”, “tre ore” refers to the time while Christ was on the cross when darkness came over all the land – from noon until three in the afternoon. From noon until 3pm on March 29, we join together in prayer on this Good Friday as it marks the day when wrath and mercy met at the cross.
Easter Sunday
Worship service at 6:00AM (outside at the firepit); 8:30am; 10:30am
Easter breakfast: 7am-10:30am
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