Adult Discipleship

Adult Learning Opportunities

As a community called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. There are many opportunities for adult discipleship at Salem Lutheran Church, which include:

Bible Study for Parents
• A new study for parents of Sunday School students. We will explore the areas of scripture covered for the children and share issues and concerns. This class meets during education hour at 10:15am in the fellowship lounge on the second floor.


Wednesday Online Bible Study
• Online Bible Study resumes September 4 at 10am via Zoom. All are welcome. Please contact Pastor Craig to be added to the Online Bible Study group. Pastor Craig leads this online Bible study through the upcoming Sunday’s readings and psalm.


Thursday Bible Study – Gospel of John
• John was one of Jesus closest earthly friends, to whom on the cross Jesus committed his mother. John wrote his Gospel, his letters, and the book of Revelation late in his life. Join the Thursday 9:15am Bible Study group to review and discuss the Gospel of John.

Women in the Word: meets on Sundays during Education Hour (10:15am-11:15am) on Sundays starting on September 15. The Women’s Sunday Study group will read and discuss Golden Fruit, a nine-session Bible study.


• Lydia Circle: Lydia Circle supports one another in their faith lives and does a Bible study using the Lutheran Gather magazine. Lydia meets the second Wednesday each month at 2pm (September-June).

• Rebecca Circle: Rebecca Circle is a fellowship group for Salem women offering a monthly opportunity for friendship, fun, and spiritual growth. This includes a study applying Scripture to modern life (taken from GATHER magazine), a short informational meeting, and prayer. Rebecca meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10am (September-June).

• Naomi Circle: Meets fellowship in homes and study from various resources.


• Ladies’ Night Out: Meets at Salem every other month on the third Monday at 6pm for fellowship and a meal.

Man to Man
• The Man To Man study group will resume on Sunday, September 15 during Education Hour at 10:15am. Man to Man will start with a series called ‘Men of Character’ written by well known author Pastor Gene Getz.


Salem Churchmen
• Salem Churchmen build men’s faith and relationships by doing God’s work of service and other stuff together for and in the Salem Lutheran Church congregation and the greater community. This also includes fellowship through the support of Salem membership and church through action.

Salem Churchmen meet the third Monday each month at 7pm.

Interested in joining a group or study – please contact the church office for more information.